A Song A Day: May 8th – A Chinese on Sunday!

7 05 2011

Very late posting today, it’s been a busy day, so much so that I can’t believe it’s nearly 10pm! Time is short, I’m still here though. I promise! Thanks to Seycen also for giving me the blogging equivalent of the tapping the wrist for time gesture…

I watched a documentary on the Chinese pianist Lang Lang the other day and he played a beautiful rendition of the chinese piece, ‘Colourful Clouds Chasing The Moon’ – Sadly, I couldn’t find the exact performance, but I’ve tracked down the original piece. I’m seriously considering saving up and buying a pipa instrument to learn next.

I should have more time in the next few days to blog properly also!

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A Song A Day – May 6th: A Bygone Time?

6 05 2011

The building may be an eyesore, but it's where I spent 3 of the best years of my lifeI can’t believe that this time last year I was sat awake til’ nearly 5am, talking on facebook with university friends as we were putting our finishing touches to our 5,000 word long dissertations. I was writing about the pyschology of sound in movies and how digital evolution has affected the way we watched the movies. To the right of me at the time was BBC’s coverage of the general elections, and to the left was a half drunk can of Red Bull.

I was expecting to be feeling emotional that night, but for some reason I was almost emotionless. I was just sat staring at a word document full of quotations/references, pontificiation, hypothesis and more. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fascinating subject to write about and reading up on some of the people and papers my tutor (Andy Connio – the best lecturer I ever had at university) had directed me towards changed the way I thought about things and gave me several great leads to write a paragraph or two on.

As was the norm, i’d gone through Brian Eno’s Music for Films and the score to Twilight before I had the TV audio on low. It was strange knowing that the following night, i’d have no more work to hand in, and that my 3 years at university had come to an end minus graduation.

So with that in mind, and thinking about the year which has passed and what university was like, one song came to my head and stuck out more then others.  The chorus to this song fits like a glove and the lyrics are very apt. My song choice today is Ohh La La by The Faces.

poor old Granddad, I laughed at all his words
I thought he was a bitter man
he spoke of women’s ways
they’ll trap you when they use you
before you even now
for love is blind and you’re far to kind
don’t ever let it show

I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was younger
I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was stronger

the can-can such a pretty show
will steal your heart away
but backstage back on earth again
the dressing rooms are grey
they come on strong and it ain’t too long
for they make you feel a man
but love is blind and you soon will find
you’re just a boy again

when you want her lips, you get her cheek
makes you wonder where you are
if you want some more then she’s fast asleep
leaves you twinkling with the stars
poor young grandson there’s nothing I can say
you’ll have to learn, just like me
and that’s the hardest way

ooh la la
ooh la la, la la, yeah

I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was younger
I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was stronger

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A Song A Day: May 3rd – Back to Skool…

3 05 2011

The reason why I’ve subtitled this post ‘back to skool’ is that today I begin the first day of my new job, back at the school I used to attend in the 90’s when I was only knee-high to a grasshopper! It’s a weird feeling. It adds to the theory that life goes in circles also. I suppose it’s like getting the book stamped. Studied there, check. Volunteered there, check. Working there, check!   *STAMP!* – I was having a little chuckle to myself getting my work clothes ready again, dubbing them ‘school trousers’ – I’m easily amused haha

But on a serious note, I don’t think I could be happier at the moment. I’m genuinely excited about the work and what I can do and acheive in the role for the school, parents, children and local council. I’m just super stoked. So this morning I’ll be leaving to walk to school once more. It’ll be one of the earliest starts for a while, not that I mind that, if anything. I’d rather be up early and working then sleeping in bed trying to find things to do. This could be the start of something pretty awesome.

So yes… how can I sum up my mood in music today… Simple…. See below :-P

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A Song A Day: May 2nd – Pizzicati Monday!

2 05 2011

Monday Morning Breakfast...

In something that has become an unplanned thing here on this blog, Monday seems to be a popular day for posting classical music. I’ve talked before here about how much I enjoy this genre of music, growing up with it somewhat. Whenever I post a classical piece on a Monday I aim to make it light hearted and happy. The kind of music which makes you feel good, makes you smile and puts you in a good mood.

I only learnt the name of today’s piece about 6 months ago, despite having heard it numerous times and always somehow managing to miss the name. I heard it on Classic FM and made sure I scribbled it down a post-it note; at last… I had it written down!! It’s called Pizzicati, composed by Delibes from the Sylvia Suite. Whilst that may not mean much to you… you will probably recognise it when you hear it.

Please leave me a comment, I read and reply to every single comment on this blog!!!

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A Song A Day: April 28th – The Workin’ Man

28 04 2011

I haven’t been so defined on the song choice decision making in a while. Whilst you could argue that Dolly Partons 9 to 5 is also a suitable fit, I think today’s choice is equal in terms of suitability.

So… why am I posting this? Well today was a superb day. I was getting the work training for the job I start next week! I’m super duper excited about it. I’m going to be manning the website for my local primary school. The potential for multimedia content I can and dare I say it will produce is staggering. I’m humongously excited about it. I was walking to the school this morning, and apart from a slight feeilng of being a kid again, I had this one song playing in my mind and I knew I had to throw it up here today.

The lyrics, and the music just seemed to fit my mood today, so without further ado… Today’s song choice is Working man by Rush. For the unitiated, Geddy Lee is a male vocalist… and a bloody good one at that.

I get up at seven, yeah,
And I go to work at nine.
I got no time for livin’,
Yes, I’m workin’ all the time.

It seems to me
I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am.
I guess that’s why they call me,
They call me the working man.

They call me the working man.
I guess that’s what I am.

I get home at five o’clock,
And I take myself out a nice, cold beer.
Always seem to be wonderin’
Why there’s nothin’ goin’ down here.


Well they call me the working man.
I guess that’s what I am.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter: http://bit.ly/eBAhZi — or at the Facebook Fan Page: http://on.fb.me/fszSws

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Wordless Wednesday: 27th April, 2011 – Guitar…as you’ve never heard before.

27 04 2011

A Song A Day – April 25th: Due Thanks + Monday Morning Feeling Good!

25 04 2011

I need to start this post with a note about yesterday. I featured a new and upcoming band called Vintage Trouble who I saw performing on the TV. In what was a totally awesome and classy move by the band themselves, they featured and linked yesterdays post on their facebook and twitter pages. Thanks guys, that was a very nice surprise. I’m very appreciative and deeply thankful for it.

So onto todays post. It’s Monday again which is possibly my favourite day of the week. The start of a new week and a new set of things to look forward too and anticipate. My pub quiz returns this week after a one week break so that’s extremely cool to look forward to. Hopefully the PSN will be back online after it’s emergency maintenance in time for the Uncharted 2 ‘Triple Your Money’ weekend.

Every Monday I try to feature a piece of music which will hopefully get your week off to a good start and in a good mood. If there is one song which to me fits this criteria it’s She Bangs The Drums by the Stone Roses. Taken from the eponymous Stone Roses album (top 10 contender for greatest album ever) this track literally oozes sunshine, feel good and joy. The bassline riff is simple, yet has a groove all of it’s own. The jangily chiming guitars provide a lush backdrop for the laid back vocals, which all adds up to one of greatest pieces of indie music ever recorded. Put simply… this is possibly the perfect way to start your week. I hope you enjoy… She Bangs The Drums by The Stone Roses.

I can feel the earth begin to move
I hear my needle hit the groove
And spiral through another day
I hear my song begin to say
Kiss me where the sun don’t shine
The past was yours
But the future’s mine
You’re all out of time

I don’t feel too steady on my feet
I feel hollow I feel weak
Passion fruit and holy bread
Fill my guts and ease my head
Through the early morning sun
I can see her here she comes

She bangs the drums

Have you seen her have you heard
The way she plays there are no words
To describe the way I feel

How could it ever come to pass
She’ll be the first she’ll be the last
To describe the way I feel
The way I feel

Have you seen her have you heard
The way she plays there are no words
To describe the way I feel

How could it ever come to pass
She’ll be the first she’ll be the last
To describe the way I feel
The way I feel

Have you seen her have you heard
The way she plays there are no words
To describe the way I feel

How could it ever come to pass
She’ll be the first she’ll be the last
To describe the way I feel
The way I feel

A Song A Day – Vintage Trouble: You’re new favourite band…

24 04 2011

Don’t you just love it when you discover a new band? The answer is of course yes, and last night I discovered a group who completely blew me away. I was watching the repeat of the Jools Holland show (which is always worth a watch) and one of the bands which he featured went by the name of Vintage Trouble. Considering they only had a few minutes to perform their songs they completely stole the show for me, even taking a bit of thunder away from Hugh Laurie (yes…the actors) musical performances (which were decent also, as was the whole show to be honest) but like I say… Vintage Trouble were the stand out band.

When I put my computer on this morning, after the obligatory email/Facebook reading I straight away fired up Spotify and searched for them. They sound just as good on the album as they did live on the show. The bands sound is a mixture of blues rock and soul music. The singer possess a superb voice and has a stage confidence which channels the spirit of James Brown. Throw in some tasty blues guitar work, and a healthy dose of groove and you get the Vintage Trouble sound. However, don’t just read this… Play the video below of Nancy Lee then go out and buy The Bomb Shelter Sessions Album. Seriously. It might just be the best disc you buy all year.

A Song A Day: April 23rd – Perfect Summer Music

23 04 2011

Fat Old SunFlippin’ heck it’s been a hot day here in England. We hit 26oC round my parts which was pretty amazing for April. It was an absolute corker of a day weather wise. We even got a few rumbles of thunder in the evening! The sun was glorious. Granted… this’ll probably be our summer for the year and the actual proper summer months will be a disappointment, which is normally the way. I could though of course, be totally incorrect and we could have sunshine like this continuing for the time to come. I just think a lot of people will be happy that it’s come on a bank holiday.

So anyway, I was out and about this morning coming back from a walk round at a National Trust property in the sun. The iPod was on shuffle, and it threw up a song which I think is just about perfect for today. The lyrics, the tone, the music. It’s absolutely bang on. As soon as I heard it come on, I knew I had to put it up on the blog here today. The version I’m sharing is the original album version taken from the #1 album ‘Atom Heart Mother’ – The track is called Fat Old Sun. Watch out for a superb guitar solo which just snaps in and flows like the sunlight beaming down on us today.

When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evenin’ birds are calling
Summer’s Sunday and a year
The sound of music in my ears
Distant bells
New mown grass smells so sweet
By the river holding hands
Roll me up and lay me down

And if you see
Don’t make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a time so strange
Sing to me
Sing to me

When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evenin’ birds are calling
Children’s laughter in my ears
The last sunlight disappears
And if you see
Don’t make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a time so strange
Sing to me
Sing to me
When that fat old sun in the sky is…(fades out)

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A Song A Day: April 22nd – I Know What I Like

22 04 2011

What do you think to the new blog theme. It’s the newest theme on WordPress, Mystique. I saw the announcement, took one look at the accompanying screenshot and thought it was gonna be a premium theme. However, it’s a normal theme, and as such, totally free. It was promptly applied here. I’d like to thank DigitalNature for creating such a piece of wickedness.

sunflowerIt’s been an absolute cracking day here weather wise, which has led me to digging out a few summer tunes. I’m enjoying waking up to the nice sunny weather and having the light nights. You gotta love the breeze coming in through the window, it’s really nice.

There are some great family times lined up this weekend. A 4 day weekend. Some roast dinners and games planned. I certainly won’t argue with that. I’ve seen the chicken crowns and turkey breasts we’ve got in and I cannot wait. It almost feels like Christmas with the nice turkey .

Anyway, onto the music. I said above that I’ve been in a summery musical mood. The track I’ve chosen today reminds me of summer for some reason. I think it’s largely in due to the intro section. It just has a bright, positive sound to it. The lyrics also reinforce this fact. Talking about the sun beating down and it being lunchtime. Apparently, you can also tell he is a lawnmower, because of the way that he walks. Pretty surreal, but hey! this song was released in the 70’s where anything was possible. Considering the band responsible for todays song it makes sense. I am of course talking about the geniuses that  make up Genesis. I really dig the band…The Gabriel era naturally. Whilst the Collins era was good, it was nothing compared to the Gabriel era. The epic prog-rock masterpieces created there within blow anything Post-Gabriel out of the water. Foxtrot, Selling England By The Pound, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway to name but a few… and of course, Suppers Ready (if God had an iPod, Suppers Ready would play first)

The specific track from Genesis I’m sharing today is called I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) It’s taken from Selling England By The Pound. I really hope you enjoy this track.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter: http://bit.ly/eBAhZi — or at the Facebook Fan Page: http://on.fb.me/fszSws

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